Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New stop: Boulder, Colorado...

I've just returned from Boulder, Colorado. I spent almost a week there promoting our university at a Sustainable Living fair in Ft. Collins, CO about 45 minutes away from Boulder. We got a chance to hang out at Boulder and I meditated on Pearl St while friends goofed around me (as you can see by the pics)

Boulder is a nice town. They seem to be very conscious of their environmental impact and duty. Hats off to you, Boulder.

The energy was great in Boulder, meditation seems to be an accepted practice and I fit right in. There was no mall security to kick me out, so I meditated in peace.


I encourage everyone to go meditate in public at least once... let that adventurous side out...

Love and light,

1 comment:

Patrick Gillam said...

Good project!

Your experience with mall security reminds me of trying to find a hotel lobby in which to meditate on a trip to Chicago. The first three said "No loitering." Finally one of us figured out that it was a bad idea to ask permission while holding bags in our hands. (We had done some shopping.) That, or we ran across a clerk who was sympathetic to meditators.

As an MIU alum who works in marketing, I have a few requests: lose the signs and the MUM shirts. Have some Public Meditation Project shirts made. Put this on them:

Public Meditation Project
Stop hating. Start meditating.

Wear those and you'll spread the word whether your eyes are open or closed.

Good luck!