Sunday, October 19, 2008

PMP update

It seems like public meditations are slowly but surely finding their way into the mainstream of society. I encourage everyone to grab a friend and go meditate in public: at a park, at school, at a busy intersection, or at a mall.

With the US elections in everyone's minds for the next couple of weeks, it'll be interesting to watch what kind of twists and turns we take as we grow into a higher consciousness.

Keep your eyes open :-)

Love and light,


Stephen James Cardinal said...

keep your eyes open? dont ya wanna keep'em shut while your meditatin'?


readerweb said...

may be I will do it in public now that it has been done by others.

Unknown said...

It goes slowly but I deeply believe in this action and its eventual success. Maybe it will be years to see more and more people meditating in public. We need to break some hang-ups. It would be good idea to engage some well-recognized spiritual teachers of our times with some TV profile.
Maybe Oprah could help? Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, actors who meditate etc.
Wish you the best and I will join you soon!

Anonymous said...

I would like to contrubute to your project by meditating in Okinawa Japan

Anonymous said...

I would like to contribute to your project by meditating
publicly in Okinawa Japan.

Lara Levitan & Aimée Stern said...

Alex- what's up with PMP these days? I'm curious to here about what you're doing in Chicago. Thanks!

Lara Levitan & Aimée Stern said...

Alex-- what's up with PMP these days? I'm curious to learn what you're doing in Chicago. Thanks!

Teacher Jim said...

Very interested in passing on the message about the "Public Meditation Project" to others. But it seems you are taking a break from the web (not a bad idea). When you're back, let us know. This is a very good idea and much needed in the world.